Are You Making This Facebook Mistake?
Is your financial planning business making this mistake when you’re using Facebook in your marketing? It could be costing your potential clients. Read on to find out what many businesses are doing wrong, and learn how to fix it.
How To Get A List Of The Posts On Your WordPress Blog
For a while now I’ve been meaning to get a list of all the posts I’ve written on this site. I’m conscious that there are a lot of articles that I’ve written that are buried in the archives of the Contar Media blog, and they may not get seen very much. So I’m making an effort to revive some of those articles and start to promote them more. But before I can promote them, I need a list.
In this article I’ll show you how to use a snippet of code to retrieve a list of all the Posts and Articles from your Wordpress site. This only works for Wordpress – if your website is built on another blogging platform these instructions won’t work (sorry!).
Do Financial Planners Suffer From Marketing Myopia?
Are financial planners myopic? Do we sell what our clients want, or what we think they want? What can we do about it? Find out in this article.
Email Marketing For Financial Advisors
Email marketing can be a very effective way for financial advisors to gain more clients. It is low cost, scaleable and much of it can be automated. In this article we’ll explain the basics of email marketing for financial advisors and give you some tips on how to get started.
Three Tips For Embedding YouTube Videos Into Your Website
I’m seeing more and more financial planners using YouTube videos in their websites and blogs. I see planners making the same three mistakes over and over again when embedding videos in their site so I’ve prepared this article to show you three tips for embedding YouTube videos.
Are You Asking The Right Questions?
I’m always looking for ways to improve my interview skills with clients and good questions are one way to do this. In this article you’ll discover four questions that I ask my clients. These questions frequently make them stop and think about the answers. Read on to find out what I ask.
Is this the best life insurance advertisement?
I came across this life insurance advertisement on YouTube after it was mentioned in Martin Lindstrom’s book ‘Brandwashed’. It’s an ad that’s purely aimed at getting an emotional response, and it does that well.
What Makes You Different From Other Financial Planners?
Last week I spent a day with some other financial planners and we looked at the changes that are set to occur in our industry here in Australia and how we could position our businesses to be sustainable for the future. A lot of the conversation revolved around pricing...
How Will Clients Find You On The Web?
If you're like most financial planners, you're probably looking for new clients for your business. For many planners, the most common sources of new clients are referrals from existing clients or centres of influence such as accountants or lawyers. Did you know that...
Setting Sales Targets For Your Financial Planning Business
Do you have targets for your financial planning business? In this article we'll examine some of the common targets that financial advisors use to motivate themselves to achieve more. I was at a small gathering of advisers last week and we spent quite a bit of time...